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My name is Mickey, and I write and illustrate a series of children’s picture books about the international Rocket Team, featuring Ramone and his robot pal, Pip.

While it is understated, Ramone’s Latin American heritage and the international, inclusive nature of the Rocket Team are foremost in my mind. I want to give all children a positive message about learning and exploration. I want to fill their tanks with hope, so they can have big dreams for themselves.

If you can see it, you can be it. So, I have a project called Rocketseeds. It goes like this:

1. You buy one of my books.

2. You and/or your student read it.

3. You are both wildly happy. Your kid is now smarter.

4. Later, you donate the book to a local library, hospital, school, shelter, or wherever it might do some good.

5. You are both wildly happy. You have increased the goodness in the world by one notch.

6. Repeat step 1.

For every book you buy, I will also donate one. When I do readings at schools and libraries, I would like to donate some of my books.

My books are on several online outlets, but the main one is

(Announcer Voice) But wait! There’s more!

Send a request to RamoneRocketeer -at- gmail -dot- com for a free ebook with insider information and sample pages from the whole series.


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